Who We Are

We are WolfHeart Way



WolfHeart Way is a heart centered collective supporting men’s healing through sacred practices. We empower men into their empowerment to remember their sacred interconnectedness that inspires leadership in our global community.

We believe that all men are divine beings, and that we are here to help one another walk the way of remembering and find the truth of who we really are. We activate men into their higher selves by sharing our own journeys of self mastery. We empower men in their innate gift by providing a powerful space of honesty, discovery, and expression.

The Reciprocity

When you attend a Wolfheart Way retreat, your contributions become part of something greater and feed a “WIN-WIN-WIN” model.

To better steward the land & facilities we use.

The funds we raise support the locations, land and facilities we use by allowing for maintenance and improvement to the accommodations and grounds.

Wolfheart Way is always aiming to leave the sacred spaces we use better than we found them and with your pass purchase we as a community can make that happen.

To fully honor our facilitators and staff.

The men who serve in this collective are powerfully purpose-driven and are unequivocally the “heart” of WolfHeart Way.

Your investment in yourself allows us to better compensate the men who give so much of themselves to hold participants in right relation and balance.

To maximize reach & invite those with obstacles.

Your contributions directly scholarship men to attend our events.

We feel it’s imperative to invite and assist those from diverse backgrounds to join in the beauty of brotherhood. Our intent is for indigenous men, men of color, and men of strained socioeconomic backgrounds to have equal-opportunity access to these life-changing gathering and spaces.

Apply for a Scholarship